Although credit card bills continue to swell, people still buy things that actually have notreally needed. The decision was sometimes provide sensation for the user's credit card.
Usually regret for the goods purchased often arise after seeing the budget you have.
However, the condition does not seem to apply to the billionaire. They could indulge his desire and buy 'toys' are interesting, although not required. The purchases includeantique cars, jumbo jets, and even spaceships.
As reported, here's a millionaire who spends his money to buy 'toys' areexpensive.
Bill Gates may have all the shares of the company Microsoft. However, it did not do andchoose to share it with Paul Allen. During this time, Allen's role in running the company's operations, so it can grow as at present.
Allen appeared to give the name of Microsoft, and he also makes an agreement tooperate the Microsoft operating system on every computer company that made IBM.
He withdrew from the company in 2000, but pocketed 138 million shares of Microsoft.Currently, Allen is predicted to reach a total wealth of U.S. $ 13 billion (Rp117 trillion).
Of wealth that, Allen bought a yacht called Octopus at U.S. $ 200 million (Rp1, 8 trillion).The length of this ship more than 400 feet and has facilities such as basketball courts,hot tubs, and of course the two helicopter runway.
2. Paul Ruffin
This guy has a lot of businesses ranging from gambling, real estate, until the oil. PaulRuffin is currently living in Las Vegas and entered the ranks of the Forbes 400 rich people. In 2008, his fortune estimated at U.S. $ 2.1 billion (Rp18, 9 trillion).
For transportation needs from one place to another, Ruffin uses a private plane.However, for the billionaire class Ruffin, who bought the aircraft worth U.S. $ 70 million(Rp630 billion) of type Boeing 737 Jumbo Jet.
Not only that, he increased funding of up to U.S. $ 15 million (Rp135 billion) for thechange of use of the aircraft interior leather seats, two bedrooms, and entertainmentsystems worth U.S. $ 1 million (9 billion).
3. S Truett Cathy
S Truett Cathy is the founder of Chick-fil-A, a food networking company based in CollegePark, Georgia, United States. Cathy became a business company to make the rich worldwith a fortune estimated at U.S. $ 2 billion (Rp18 trillion).
Former soldiers of World War II is also known as the freak figures superhot. In 1992,when the first Batman movie Return running in theaters, Cathy was impressed with thevehicle Batman (Batmobile), and decided to buy a car at a price of U.S. $ 250 thousand(Rp2, 25 billion).
4. Hasanal Bolkiah
During this time the world knew as Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam. His home is located on the Istana Nurul Iman registered holders of record of the largest familyshelter in the world of the earth.
His palace has about 564 lamp with 51 000 bulbs, 250 bedrooms, and a mosque whichcan accommodate 1500 worshipers. In addition to the palace, Nurul Iman also has agarage that can contain 110 vehicles.
Sultan Bolkiah is famous as a car collector with a collection of up to 1900 units. A number of cars in his collection include Bentleys, Ferraris and Porsches. Among his car collection, Star of India which is the Rolls Royce brand cars of type convertible to the world's most expensive car at a price of U.S. $ 14 million (Rp126 billion).
5. Roman Abramovich
Owners of investment company Millhouse LLC which also owns the British football clubgiants, Chelsea, was estimated to have a fortune of more than U.S. $ 13 billion (Rp117trillion).
Abramovich is known to spend funds amounting to U.S. $ 450 million (Rp 4, 05 billion) tobuy a boat, named The Eclipse. This is the largest ship in the world and has luxurious amenities that can not be found on other ships.
One of the special facilities Abramovich's yacht is a missile-detection systems and submarines.
Usually regret for the goods purchased often arise after seeing the budget you have.
However, the condition does not seem to apply to the billionaire. They could indulge his desire and buy 'toys' are interesting, although not required. The purchases includeantique cars, jumbo jets, and even spaceships.
As reported, here's a millionaire who spends his money to buy 'toys' areexpensive.
1. Paul Allen

Bill Gates may have all the shares of the company Microsoft. However, it did not do andchoose to share it with Paul Allen. During this time, Allen's role in running the company's operations, so it can grow as at present.
Allen appeared to give the name of Microsoft, and he also makes an agreement tooperate the Microsoft operating system on every computer company that made IBM.
He withdrew from the company in 2000, but pocketed 138 million shares of Microsoft.Currently, Allen is predicted to reach a total wealth of U.S. $ 13 billion (Rp117 trillion).
Of wealth that, Allen bought a yacht called Octopus at U.S. $ 200 million (Rp1, 8 trillion).The length of this ship more than 400 feet and has facilities such as basketball courts,hot tubs, and of course the two helicopter runway.
2. Paul Ruffin

This guy has a lot of businesses ranging from gambling, real estate, until the oil. PaulRuffin is currently living in Las Vegas and entered the ranks of the Forbes 400 rich people. In 2008, his fortune estimated at U.S. $ 2.1 billion (Rp18, 9 trillion).
For transportation needs from one place to another, Ruffin uses a private plane.However, for the billionaire class Ruffin, who bought the aircraft worth U.S. $ 70 million(Rp630 billion) of type Boeing 737 Jumbo Jet.
Not only that, he increased funding of up to U.S. $ 15 million (Rp135 billion) for thechange of use of the aircraft interior leather seats, two bedrooms, and entertainmentsystems worth U.S. $ 1 million (9 billion).
3. S Truett Cathy

S Truett Cathy is the founder of Chick-fil-A, a food networking company based in CollegePark, Georgia, United States. Cathy became a business company to make the rich worldwith a fortune estimated at U.S. $ 2 billion (Rp18 trillion).
Former soldiers of World War II is also known as the freak figures superhot. In 1992,when the first Batman movie Return running in theaters, Cathy was impressed with thevehicle Batman (Batmobile), and decided to buy a car at a price of U.S. $ 250 thousand(Rp2, 25 billion).
4. Hasanal Bolkiah

During this time the world knew as Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam. His home is located on the Istana Nurul Iman registered holders of record of the largest familyshelter in the world of the earth.
His palace has about 564 lamp with 51 000 bulbs, 250 bedrooms, and a mosque whichcan accommodate 1500 worshipers. In addition to the palace, Nurul Iman also has agarage that can contain 110 vehicles.
Sultan Bolkiah is famous as a car collector with a collection of up to 1900 units. A number of cars in his collection include Bentleys, Ferraris and Porsches. Among his car collection, Star of India which is the Rolls Royce brand cars of type convertible to the world's most expensive car at a price of U.S. $ 14 million (Rp126 billion).
5. Roman Abramovich

Owners of investment company Millhouse LLC which also owns the British football clubgiants, Chelsea, was estimated to have a fortune of more than U.S. $ 13 billion (Rp117trillion).
Abramovich is known to spend funds amounting to U.S. $ 450 million (Rp 4, 05 billion) tobuy a boat, named The Eclipse. This is the largest ship in the world and has luxurious amenities that can not be found on other ships.
One of the special facilities Abramovich's yacht is a missile-detection systems and submarines.