A. About Nusakambangan
Nusakambangan island that bears the title of poelaoe boei located in the southern town of Cilacap and not too hard to find on the map. We live tracing the southern coast of Java Island. The island is long-shaped, like a puma that was running and the island coincides with a small peninsula shaped like plowshares, the form of a town, the town of Cilacap.
Judging from the Gulf Coast Turtle, Nusakambangan island looks very close to the town of Cilacap. Indeed, its location is only + 10 km and to travel from Cilacap to Nusakambangan + takes only 10 minutes.
Nusakambangan island lies lengthwise from west to east along the + 36 km, its width varies between 6 to 8 Km. Overall width + 210 Km2. topography is hilly and full of forests and shrub height of 0-50 meters above sea level. Rainfall average of 2530 millimeters per year by the number of rainy days on average 170 days.
North of the island adjacent to the mouth of the river Citanduy, Segara Anakan, Bengawan Donan, and the Strait of Cilacap. East, south, and west to the border with Indonesia Ocean or Indian Ocean.
Before becoming a shelter inmates, this island has been populated with the livelihoods of farming, looking for forest products, and catch fish. The use of inmate labor in the manufacturing stronghold in Nusakambangan in 1861 became the starting point of the entry of those penalties or perantaian to this island. Success achieved in the Dutch East Indies government oversight and safeguards against the prisoner was used as the basis for establishing the island as the island shelter for punishment or penal colony. Before a decision is taken, the Dutch research prior to other islands, such as the island of Nusa barung in JATIM, Prinsen Eiland in Ujung Kulon, and Krakatau in the Sunda Strait.
However, the final choice remains fixed on the island of Nusakambangan. In 1908, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies issued a decree that the island has met the requirements as poelaoe boei or bijzonderestaf gevangenis. Further surveillance and ownership status of the island was handed over to the Raad van Justitie or the Department of Justice. Besides the Dutch government uses the island as a base of Defense and the population moved to a place like Kampung Laut, Jojok, and Cilacap.
Nusakambangan island designated as poelaoe boei since until now the status of ownership and management under the Ministry of Justice. Infrastructures for residents such as water, communication, education, etc. are complete and available although quite memperihatinkan. The need for clean water using water sourced from the hills that channeled water through the pipes to each Correctional Institution (LP) and housing. For lighting by Diesel Power Plant (diesel). Since 2001, PT. Holcim (formerly PT. Semen Nusantara) gives power to the entire LP assistance in this island.
Means of transportation is divided into 2 ocean and land. Means of communication by telephone ankle over the age of 50 years. Was to relate to other islands with Automatic phone in the dock Wijayapura, Cilacap. Educational facilities for children are a primary school staff, the SD Tambakreja 05 with a teacher from Cilacap. For health care facilities there is a hospital, and also other means that conditions are pretty good.
B. History Nusakambangan
October 5, 1705, the kingdom of Mataram and the Dutch entered into. Although Nusakambangan was in Dutch territory, but until 1830 Cilacap still under the rule of the kingdom of Mataram, and mrnjadi territory after Kasunanan Surakarta Mataram kingdom broken. Previously, Cilacap disaebut with Donan. At the time of Donan often terjadiserangan by pirates. One day in 1801 when the soldiers were planting, the sudden coming of pirate attacks from the Celebes and Borneo, so many soldiers who were killed.
After the incident, Sri Susuhunan IV Pakubuwono send troops back into Donan to increase the number of troops. Then formed a new formation that makes the pirates no longer attack since 1801. in 1819 the Dutch government put 30 personnel artillery forces in eastern Nusakambangan to master Cilacap.
After the War of 1830 Diponergoro, Cilacap was overrun by the Dutch and then in 1836, built two forts Karang Bolong is named Fortress and Citadel Njappa to deal with enemy ships that will go around the peninsula. In 1883 the castle was destroyed by tidal waves caused by the eruption of Krakatoa, and in 1908, designated as poelaoe boei Nusakambangan so that all the Dutch troops be withdrawn from that place.
Nusakambangan called poelaoe boei once built a prison again in 1910 to accommodate the Dutch prisoners were employed as rubber farmers. Designation poelaoe boei stronger after six new prisons established since 1925 to 1950 which can accommodate 7,000 + prisoners.
Outpost island jutting into the strait from the coast is 5 to 25 meters between each other and within 2 km. In 1985, Defense LP shut five of nine semi-permanent because the building was not worth taking. In 1999 the inhabitants of this LP berumlah pwngawas 405 people with 354 employees or those with a ratio of 1:1,14.
The story is the greatest escape on May 20, 1982, 34 prisoners escaped. But on June 22, 1982, the search was stopped because senua inmates successfully captured. Of the 34 people who escaped prisoners, 21 were captured alive and 13 dead. Of 13 inmates who died, eight people were shot in Nusakambangan, 4 people were shot in the waters of West Java, and a man eaten wild animals in the forest Nusakambangan. Prisoners who died and was eaten by wild animals named Max Woworuntu. His body was found by officers in the area Slok Maung, west of LP Karanganyar, Nusakambangan. Search team found the first human entrails. Approximately 50m from the skull lay a-half is still covered with flesh. Then the next day, officers found all the body parts separated torn apart like wild animals. Only bagianlengan left undiscovered. Officers to ensure that it is Max's body after a diary complete with his signature is found. Until now, the Directorate General of Corrections is still looking at Nusakambangan as a guidance to inmates heavyweight.
Nusakambangan very important contribution to Cilacap, in the form of protection for the Cilacap of big winds and fierce waves of the southern ocean. As for the economic activity, the island is used for fishing by the fishermen, and modern industries such as Pertamina Oil Refinery, Cement, Iron Sand Mining, etc.. There also are capable of fruiting palm 4000 to 5000 eggs per month, Cavendish banana plantations since 1996 which includes 200 ha of land, and that all of these ponds should not undermine ekkosistem.
More than 75 years Nusakambangan island is a closed area, but after some time, the island opened to tourists. Made because most of the sights tourists come to the p [ulau is driven by curiosity and curiosity about all activities that occur, especially activities related to construction of the heavyweight prisoners. This is an exciting and proud pengalamanyang to be used as a story to relatives or friends who have never been to this island by tourists. Some of the resort, among others, potential Marine Natural Beauty, a Permisan Beach, Sand Beach White Sand Beach Bite, Karang Bolong Beach, Coral Coast Bnadung, Majeti Island, Segara Aankan, and Indralaya Strait.Potential Natural Beauty Cave, the Cave of the Queen, Sand Cave, Cave Women, Cave Masingit Sela, Lawa Cave, Cave Salak, Cave Bantar length. Potential Forest Natural Beauty, the West Nusakambangan Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve East Nusakambangan, Rubber, and Mangrove Forest.
It also has a historic building, the Castle Karang Bolong, Castle Rock or Castle Njappa Clinker, Artillery Monument, Cimiring Lighthouse, Landscape Berambang, and Pesanggrahan or cupola.
Questions began to arise due to Nusakambangan Island is facing a dilemma many problems. The island is used to isolate itself from the outside world, are now beginning to open. In intendif utilization of this island was used as a tourist island based on the decision of the Minister of Justice dated 24 April 1995 on the use permit Nusakambangan as a tourist area.
But with a firm decision on the future of the dilemma Nusakambangan existing problems will be solved. Whatever the alternative chosen by the decision makers, all carried out consistently and consequently it was the best for the future of Nusakambangan.
C. Travel places and that's on Nusakambangan Legend
A. Forts Karang Bolong
Forts Karang Bolong is located at the foot of the northeast coast of the island of Nusakambangan which can be reached within 20 minutes from the pier or by boat Wijayapura compreng about 15 minutes from Turtle Bay Beach. The fortress is located in the protected forest area with an area of 6000 m2 has 3 main fort where one of them is a three-story castle has a large meeting room and is equipped with a cannon.
Since there are guns in the fort called the fort causing Karangbolong artillery fort. Total land area of approximately 6,000 m2 and the walls coated with asphalt.
Brick fortress berlepa whole comprises 4 floors and is 2 floors above ground level while the two floors below ground level, has a number of rooms that soldiers barracks room, holding room, the room also dilegkapi logistics with traveling walls, bastions with cannons foundation, building reconnaissance holes shooting, ammunition and building protection.
Karang Bolong from the fort can be monitored in the Indonesian Ocean shipping lanes and the entrance to the Port of Tanjung Intan, between the Citadel Fortress Pendem Karang Bolong both are complementary in terms of monitoring the waters of Turtle Bay.
Karang Bolong Fortress function by the Dutch army as a pole of defense to ward off enemy attacks coming from the sea or to attack enemy ships and as a spice storage warehouse owned by the Dutch. Forts Karang Bolong belonging to the type of cultural tourism and attraction of monumental buildings covered most of the big trees.
2. White Sand Beach
Match the name of white sand beaches for white sand so that people call the White Sand Beach. White Sands one of the existing attractions in the southern island of Nusakambangan precisely located on the east Coast Permisan. White Sands is decorated with a variety of rock or island - a small island that stretches to the east is decorated very powerful waves / so fierce clash of black rock hit the water adds to the beauty of the rocks.
To get to White Sands to walk down the path that has been built trap - the trap of paving blocks along 600 m from the beach to the east Permisan up and down to the white sand beach with a distance of 1 km. Cluster of rocks in the White Sand Beach stretching to the distant east blanketed white waves beautiful scenery adds to the white sand beach.
Stone - the stone is in addition to adding beauty as well as shore-breaking waves, white sand to the beach so the waves can dijinakan malignant and relatively harmless.
With white sand beaches and the waves are quite friendly add the tourists feel at ease and happy to linger long - enjoy the beautiful white sand. Advantages of white sand beach is still the presence of trees - trees that grow naturally so adding cool coastal air and not distracted by the hot sun because they can shelter up branches - the branches of trees while enjoying the ocean waves south.
3. Beach scaffolding Babakan
The westernmost tip of the island is located within 35 km Nusakambangan of Sodong dock. To reach this beach through the strait path Nusakambangan - Tillers Segara Village through the Village District Klaces Sea. The whole way through 4 LP that still serves the LP Stone, Iron, Yellow Flower and Permisan Sea and pass through the village district in the mangrove forest Klaces with views on both sides of the river and mountain views and Indralaya strait.
Babakan Ranch beach unspoilt beaches classified as not many tourists who visit this beach, because it is the path leading to the beach have been inadequate. Therefore, the government still needed treatment for open access to this beach so it can be convenient to tourist attractions visited by tourists. So as to provide revenue for the region.
4. Permisan beach
Permisan beach is also home to the south island of Nusakambangan precisely Permisan LP. The beach is still natural not much contaminated by humans. With amazing views of the southern ocean and the waves will bring home to enjoy the panoramic beauty wiasatawan small islands and rocks in front of the beach has its own value compared to other tourist beach in Cilacap.
There in front of the beach rock (Small island) that has special memories for a pejebat the country's first Prime Minister of Indonesia. Before becoming Prime Minister a man named Syahrir Permisan've been to the beach, the beach was Syahrir trying to cross the ocean waves when it was small, he managed to climb into the rock. But at the time would come back to the beach the waves are very large, so Syahrir persist for many hours waiting for low tide upon a rock. The incident was immortalized as the name Syahrir cluster name Permisan the coral on the beach by some people call it the Stone Syahrir.
In addition to the above story, if the low tide, tourists can climb a rock sticking out. They will witness various social symbols as evidence of the legend of King Pakuan Pajajaran that have plagued the beautiful princess who could be cured if the disease is treated with tear horse Pegasus, then the king sent a messenger to get the drug but has always failed in the end the princess's own leave and travel long distances because he was tired rest and bathe in the surf beach Permisan dragged out to sea and caught between a rock and died, and the distance is only visible parts of his body without clothes then there is the rock that resemble female genitalia.
Also called Permisan when there are pirates want to Nusakambangan beach landing that does not appear, but after the permissions on the island of Nusakambangan Baurekso the beach looks so-called Permisan
Permisan coast is also home to formulation of the soldiers to be able to maintain and defend the integrity of the dam and the state of any disturbance both large and small that would interfere with sovereignty. Determination and robustness of the soldier symbolized by one of the attributes (commando knife) is plugged into a rock or ditusukan so from the beach looking knife stuck command dibatu reefs.
To get to the beach Permisan tourists can use either the ship or boat crossing from the Port or Port Wijayakusuma Lomanis to Sodong Nusakambangan followed by private vehicle or charter group headed Permisan. During the trip, travelers can enjoy the scenery on the island of Nusakambangan and can be stopped first at the Queen of Goa tourism can also see the yellow Flower LP, Stone, Iron and LP Permisan.
5. Coral beach Pandan
Coral beach Pandan is a potential tourist attraction on the East Coast Nusakambangan Island. Bandung Coral beach is still natural not so much polluted by human activities with a view of beautiful beachfront two coral islands (Pulau Majethi) are trusted by the community as a place of growth and development Wijayakusuma, adds the beauty of the Coral coast Bandung.
The beach is visited by many people on Thursday, a day ahead of the implementation of Wage or Alms Sea (Larungan offerings) for the pilgrimage, a place of pilgrimage is made on the grounds at the beach there are some places that are considered sacred, so they will visit more blessed, place - a shrine include: time Lanang (take water) located in the eastern part of the coast rose slightly, Stone Table (Stone Hall) is a large lump of rock is used as a place offering ceremony also serves as the performances and the throne.
To get to the beach Coral Pandan should use a 90-minute boat or on foot from Fort Karang Bolong Nusakambangan about 75 minutes. The pilgrims usually bring offerings in the form of Snack Market, Fruit, Flower Telon, chew of betel, Frankincense, Dadapsrep Leaf, Young Coconut and multiple inheritance. All offerings collected on a stone table, after the offering is ready then the elder Fisher led the prayer.
6. Interest legend Wijayakusuma
One legend is well known in Indonesia, especially the island of Nusakambangan is about Flower or Flower Wijayakusuma. The story is about a daughter of the Duke who ruled the Duchy Bandapati Bonokeling, named Raden Ayu Bnadawati. She is very beautiful, elegant, urbane and very gently smooth so many who want to have. To woo the daughter of the contest was held with supernatural powers and hold all the Duke Bnadapati heirloom weapons. Eventually the contest was won by the Prince who is the son of Pucangkembar Kyai Ageng Giri. Then Raden Raden Ayu Bnadawati Pucangkembarpun married. Although already married and has 3 children, Raden Ayu Bnadawati still pursued the Duke-Duke of others to be his wife. Raden Ayu Bnadawatipun eventually manifest as a flower named Flower Wijayakusuma. Flowers are so tenarnya Wijayakusuma legend, so that in 1971 an important figure in this country also do Wijayakusuma picking flowers in a way that is still traditional.
In Nusakambangan, the whole area a nature reserve + 1200.50 Ha is divided into two parts because wilayan activity in the LP. The animals were inhabitants of the Nature Reserve can be classified as Wild Animals, reptiles, and birds are also a variety of plants that grow in groups.
Although many plant and animal life, but there is no distinctive Klalar forest trees in the West and the East Flower Wijayakusuma that makes people did not dare do strange things because of the legend that is in place. But even so, forest looting is still rife.
7. The story of the Kingdom of Nusatembini
History of the Kingdom Nusatembini story takes place in areas around the island of Nusakambangan. Nusatembini described as a kingdom of considerable stealth. This kingdom has a region around the coast to the island of Nusakambangan Cilacap.Keraaan has a natural fortress tanamana up to seven layers of bamboo (pring Baluwarti ori pitung sap). Depiction of natural castle of the seven layers of the bamboo fence that can be interpreted to mean that the creator of the story to say that the kingdom's defense is strong enough Nusatembini stretcher. It also shows that the bamboo plant is a plant that Ori is used as a fence or security for the Cilacap against security threats.
Nusatembini kingdom led by a female ruler (the king's daughter) named Brantarara flawless. The princess's beauty attracted the attention of the rulers of other kingdoms to cooperate until mempersuntingnya as empress. But in order to marry the princess is not easy, because it's so tight guard and defense. Many kings who fail just to be able to enter the royal palace Nusatembini.
The story of the ruler of the Kingdom of the existence of these women can actually be seen as a symbol of the equality of men and women in political rights. Thus the view that considers that in Javanese culture considered women lower than men has not been proven in the mind of the creator of the story of the history of the kingdom Nusatembini.In a culture that values Cilacap there assumes that she also has the power to govern, even in the story beyond the capabilities of men.
The problem is when the real origin story Nusatembini kingdom come. Author of history and the anniversary version Cilacap Cilacap Government said that the Kingdom Nusatembini derived from prehistoric times. That he proved by the relics of two bamboos which are relics of the castle ori Nusatembini kingdom. In 1970 the relics relics believed to originate from the pre-history is still located on the docks of the Port of sand iron complex, but at this sat heritage has been lost.
In our opinion, the story does not pick up kingdom Nusatembini Islamic era, but also not on the pre-history. Historic period is not known concept of the kingdom, only Primus Interpares, and generally the oldest male. The concept of the new kingdom appeared on the entry of Hindu and Buddhist culture in Indonesia. Thus it can be concluded that the historical kingdom is the real Nusatembini Hinduism and Buddhism in the Cilacap.
Commentators that the background story of the Hindu kingdom of Buddha Nusatembini Nusatembini supported by other stories related to the kingdom. Cilacap folklore society tells us that in the west of the kingdom is the kingdom of Galuh Pakuan Nusatembini Pajajaran. In recorded history, this kingdom is one of the most powerful Hindu kingdom in the Sunda tatar. Therefore, the Kingdom of the Kingdom Galuh Nusatembini contemporaries, it is certain that the kingdom Nusatembini tentnag stories dating back to the development of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Galuh kingdom is a kingdom of Pakuan Pajajaran. In contrast to Nusatembini, Pakuan Pajajaran ruler is a brave man. During his reign he was tempted by God with the development of outbreaks of diseases that attack people. However, its people have suffered so many of those who have lost family members due to the severity of disease outbreaks. Pajajaran king is trying to find ways to solve problems that are sweeping the country. All efforts have been made to overcome the plague, but in vain. Feeling sad the king saw the suffering that afflicts people throughout the country, and the sad again when his son and daughter are also developing the disease.
When the king was almost hopeless in dealing with the plague that hit the country, there came a priest (wiku). The pastor expressed purpose of his arrival until there is a dialogue like the following quote:
Pastor: "Gusti Prabu servant lord, forgive me this indelicacy servants will all face without calling Gusti and Gusti with all the King's mercy, we ask for forgiveness for all errors".
King: "I feel very happy to see the arrival wiku now because there's something troubling my mind now as head of government in this Pajajaran Kingdom".
Pastor: "Lord King Gusti servants, servants understand what it was Gusti are facing at this time due to outbreaks of diseases that afflict the Pajajaran subjects. Until my lord also currently plague-stricken daughter's illness ".
King: "It is so wikut, that kerisauanku and my anxiety is still very tense. But if the father would wiku can provide a solution to overcome all of this? "
Pastor: "Lord King Gusti servant, servant arrival is intended to convey the" wisik "or have I received inspiration. That what is happening today in the Kingdom of Pajajaran and diseases suffered by the servants of my lord lord's daughter, can still be cured with medication so-called "Horse Tears Sembrani". The drug can only be cultivated from the eastern part of this Pajajaran Kingdom. In the east where there is a keratorn called Nusatembini and that's where the drug would get the drug. But to reach that area and get it is not easy, because the environment is a very serious Nusatembini Palace. So should Gusti King Lord sent His servant Pajajaran courtiers selected to face the queen's daughter, who led the palace.
Gusti Haturkanlah any intention to invoke the so-called "Horse Tears Sembrani" the pet of the queen. When businesses get tears Horse Sembrani it worked, then it would be a drug and tumbalnya (repellent) Royal Galuh Pajajaran from all danger was coming.
Raja Pajajaran merspon positive suggestions from the wiku it. The king then prepare untu kmenuju Nusatembini. Some people are under the duke who is deemed capable of power Pajajaran assigned to the royal phantom Nusatembini sent to the king. High-ranking envoy falls in Patih Harya Tilandanu Gobog assisted by the Duke and the Duke of Spring. Their choice to deploy troops on the move all obstacles can be overcome.
After preparation to leave for the Kingdom of Nusatembini completed, the group of soldiers from the Pajajaran went to the royal phantom in Cilacap the south coast.Although derived from choice soldiers, journey to Nusatembini was not easy. They must pass through the hostile nature of the woods and swamps that stretched wide. In natural situations such pre soldiers semnagat Pajajaran with a burning toward the kingdom in order to obtain medicine Nusatembini princess' tears horse Pegasus ".
The soldiers are akirnya Pajajran envoy to the region Cilacap. When we reached the area they saw a kekeuatan Nusatembini yan around a powerful kingdom. The soldiers tried to enter the royal palace was in many ways. However, this effort failed due to a bamboo grove fort multiple layers of tightly that mengellingi Nusatembini kingdom is like as a layered fence. Attempt to enter the palace Nusatembini repeatedly tried, and it always fails.
Repeated failure to enter the palace does not make the soldiers Nusatembini Pajajaran despair. In the spirit of defending the King and the country they are always looking for ways to be able to enter the Palace Nusatembini. Gobong Duke, Duke Spring and Patih Harya Tilandanu recourse beyond the war path. They meditated to gain inspiration and an outlet in order to enter the Palace Nusatembini. After a few days they finally bersemedai supernatural guidance. In the instructions it said that the magic that surrounds the bamboo fort will be destroyed USING Nusatembini golden bullet.
After getting inspiration is the messenger of the king's soldiers sunda Pajajaran grammar is changing tactics in entering the Palace Nusatembini. They are made from gold bullet gold coins to destroy the bamboo that surrounds the palace of the king's women.
Making gold bullet Pajajaran conducted by a group of soldiers in a location not far from the Palace Nusatembini. They stopped at an area near the palace for days. In addition to producing gold bullets, they also set the tactics for an attack. In areas where the preparation of this attack is known in folklore as an area Donan Cilacap. One area where the Andon (bersinggah).
After a plan of attack is set in a mature, then on the appointed day a group of soldiers to attack the Palace Pajajaran Nusatembini. Attacks carried out by the warriors using gold bullets that have been prepared in advance. The bullets were fired and fell near or below the bamboo grove that guarded the Palace Nusatembini. The people who saw the golden bullet Nusatembini falling under the bamboo trees trying to take the bullets of high economic value at the time. To be able to take the bullets they had to cut down the bamboo trees are layered.
Pajajaran soldiers were aware of the meaning of golden bullet as a tool to lure people in the royal kingdom of isolation by cutting open the bamboo trees into the royal castle.Little by little the Pajajaran Soldiers can finally move forward after can pass through bamboo groves ori logged by the locals. Pajajaran soldiers finally managed to enter the palace after a successful seven-layer beyond the bamboo fence that had been cut down people who are drawn to the golden bullet that fell under the bamboo tree.
The story of the golden bullet can be interpreted two matters relating to the historical facts behind the story. First, the concept of a firearm in the story suggests that the story's background is in the Kingdom of the development towards the end of Agana Pajajaran Islam in the archipelago, probably the 15th century and to-16. This can be explained because the firearm was introduced by the Portuguese and then Dutch in the early centuries. Second, the weakness of a country will be broken no matter how great the wealth. Gold is a symbol of the wealth of high-value ekoomi Nusatembini has tantalized people so it can easily be infiltrated by foreign forces.
The soldiers eventually entered Pajajaran Nusatembini the Royal Palace. They intend to capture the queen. But they have difficulty, for the queen to provide resistance. Seeing the danger, the King Princess Nusatembini is then up to the sky flying horse Pegasus.
Nusakambangan island that bears the title of poelaoe boei located in the southern town of Cilacap and not too hard to find on the map. We live tracing the southern coast of Java Island. The island is long-shaped, like a puma that was running and the island coincides with a small peninsula shaped like plowshares, the form of a town, the town of Cilacap.
Judging from the Gulf Coast Turtle, Nusakambangan island looks very close to the town of Cilacap. Indeed, its location is only + 10 km and to travel from Cilacap to Nusakambangan + takes only 10 minutes.
Nusakambangan island lies lengthwise from west to east along the + 36 km, its width varies between 6 to 8 Km. Overall width + 210 Km2. topography is hilly and full of forests and shrub height of 0-50 meters above sea level. Rainfall average of 2530 millimeters per year by the number of rainy days on average 170 days.
North of the island adjacent to the mouth of the river Citanduy, Segara Anakan, Bengawan Donan, and the Strait of Cilacap. East, south, and west to the border with Indonesia Ocean or Indian Ocean.
Before becoming a shelter inmates, this island has been populated with the livelihoods of farming, looking for forest products, and catch fish. The use of inmate labor in the manufacturing stronghold in Nusakambangan in 1861 became the starting point of the entry of those penalties or perantaian to this island. Success achieved in the Dutch East Indies government oversight and safeguards against the prisoner was used as the basis for establishing the island as the island shelter for punishment or penal colony. Before a decision is taken, the Dutch research prior to other islands, such as the island of Nusa barung in JATIM, Prinsen Eiland in Ujung Kulon, and Krakatau in the Sunda Strait.
However, the final choice remains fixed on the island of Nusakambangan. In 1908, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies issued a decree that the island has met the requirements as poelaoe boei or bijzonderestaf gevangenis. Further surveillance and ownership status of the island was handed over to the Raad van Justitie or the Department of Justice. Besides the Dutch government uses the island as a base of Defense and the population moved to a place like Kampung Laut, Jojok, and Cilacap.
Nusakambangan island designated as poelaoe boei since until now the status of ownership and management under the Ministry of Justice. Infrastructures for residents such as water, communication, education, etc. are complete and available although quite memperihatinkan. The need for clean water using water sourced from the hills that channeled water through the pipes to each Correctional Institution (LP) and housing. For lighting by Diesel Power Plant (diesel). Since 2001, PT. Holcim (formerly PT. Semen Nusantara) gives power to the entire LP assistance in this island.
Means of transportation is divided into 2 ocean and land. Means of communication by telephone ankle over the age of 50 years. Was to relate to other islands with Automatic phone in the dock Wijayapura, Cilacap. Educational facilities for children are a primary school staff, the SD Tambakreja 05 with a teacher from Cilacap. For health care facilities there is a hospital, and also other means that conditions are pretty good.
B. History Nusakambangan
October 5, 1705, the kingdom of Mataram and the Dutch entered into. Although Nusakambangan was in Dutch territory, but until 1830 Cilacap still under the rule of the kingdom of Mataram, and mrnjadi territory after Kasunanan Surakarta Mataram kingdom broken. Previously, Cilacap disaebut with Donan. At the time of Donan often terjadiserangan by pirates. One day in 1801 when the soldiers were planting, the sudden coming of pirate attacks from the Celebes and Borneo, so many soldiers who were killed.
After the incident, Sri Susuhunan IV Pakubuwono send troops back into Donan to increase the number of troops. Then formed a new formation that makes the pirates no longer attack since 1801. in 1819 the Dutch government put 30 personnel artillery forces in eastern Nusakambangan to master Cilacap.
After the War of 1830 Diponergoro, Cilacap was overrun by the Dutch and then in 1836, built two forts Karang Bolong is named Fortress and Citadel Njappa to deal with enemy ships that will go around the peninsula. In 1883 the castle was destroyed by tidal waves caused by the eruption of Krakatoa, and in 1908, designated as poelaoe boei Nusakambangan so that all the Dutch troops be withdrawn from that place.
Nusakambangan called poelaoe boei once built a prison again in 1910 to accommodate the Dutch prisoners were employed as rubber farmers. Designation poelaoe boei stronger after six new prisons established since 1925 to 1950 which can accommodate 7,000 + prisoners.
Outpost island jutting into the strait from the coast is 5 to 25 meters between each other and within 2 km. In 1985, Defense LP shut five of nine semi-permanent because the building was not worth taking. In 1999 the inhabitants of this LP berumlah pwngawas 405 people with 354 employees or those with a ratio of 1:1,14.
The story is the greatest escape on May 20, 1982, 34 prisoners escaped. But on June 22, 1982, the search was stopped because senua inmates successfully captured. Of the 34 people who escaped prisoners, 21 were captured alive and 13 dead. Of 13 inmates who died, eight people were shot in Nusakambangan, 4 people were shot in the waters of West Java, and a man eaten wild animals in the forest Nusakambangan. Prisoners who died and was eaten by wild animals named Max Woworuntu. His body was found by officers in the area Slok Maung, west of LP Karanganyar, Nusakambangan. Search team found the first human entrails. Approximately 50m from the skull lay a-half is still covered with flesh. Then the next day, officers found all the body parts separated torn apart like wild animals. Only bagianlengan left undiscovered. Officers to ensure that it is Max's body after a diary complete with his signature is found. Until now, the Directorate General of Corrections is still looking at Nusakambangan as a guidance to inmates heavyweight.
Nusakambangan very important contribution to Cilacap, in the form of protection for the Cilacap of big winds and fierce waves of the southern ocean. As for the economic activity, the island is used for fishing by the fishermen, and modern industries such as Pertamina Oil Refinery, Cement, Iron Sand Mining, etc.. There also are capable of fruiting palm 4000 to 5000 eggs per month, Cavendish banana plantations since 1996 which includes 200 ha of land, and that all of these ponds should not undermine ekkosistem.
More than 75 years Nusakambangan island is a closed area, but after some time, the island opened to tourists. Made because most of the sights tourists come to the p [ulau is driven by curiosity and curiosity about all activities that occur, especially activities related to construction of the heavyweight prisoners. This is an exciting and proud pengalamanyang to be used as a story to relatives or friends who have never been to this island by tourists. Some of the resort, among others, potential Marine Natural Beauty, a Permisan Beach, Sand Beach White Sand Beach Bite, Karang Bolong Beach, Coral Coast Bnadung, Majeti Island, Segara Aankan, and Indralaya Strait.Potential Natural Beauty Cave, the Cave of the Queen, Sand Cave, Cave Women, Cave Masingit Sela, Lawa Cave, Cave Salak, Cave Bantar length. Potential Forest Natural Beauty, the West Nusakambangan Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve East Nusakambangan, Rubber, and Mangrove Forest.
It also has a historic building, the Castle Karang Bolong, Castle Rock or Castle Njappa Clinker, Artillery Monument, Cimiring Lighthouse, Landscape Berambang, and Pesanggrahan or cupola.
Questions began to arise due to Nusakambangan Island is facing a dilemma many problems. The island is used to isolate itself from the outside world, are now beginning to open. In intendif utilization of this island was used as a tourist island based on the decision of the Minister of Justice dated 24 April 1995 on the use permit Nusakambangan as a tourist area.
But with a firm decision on the future of the dilemma Nusakambangan existing problems will be solved. Whatever the alternative chosen by the decision makers, all carried out consistently and consequently it was the best for the future of Nusakambangan.
C. Travel places and that's on Nusakambangan Legend
A. Forts Karang Bolong
Forts Karang Bolong is located at the foot of the northeast coast of the island of Nusakambangan which can be reached within 20 minutes from the pier or by boat Wijayapura compreng about 15 minutes from Turtle Bay Beach. The fortress is located in the protected forest area with an area of 6000 m2 has 3 main fort where one of them is a three-story castle has a large meeting room and is equipped with a cannon.
Since there are guns in the fort called the fort causing Karangbolong artillery fort. Total land area of approximately 6,000 m2 and the walls coated with asphalt.
Brick fortress berlepa whole comprises 4 floors and is 2 floors above ground level while the two floors below ground level, has a number of rooms that soldiers barracks room, holding room, the room also dilegkapi logistics with traveling walls, bastions with cannons foundation, building reconnaissance holes shooting, ammunition and building protection.
Karang Bolong from the fort can be monitored in the Indonesian Ocean shipping lanes and the entrance to the Port of Tanjung Intan, between the Citadel Fortress Pendem Karang Bolong both are complementary in terms of monitoring the waters of Turtle Bay.
Karang Bolong Fortress function by the Dutch army as a pole of defense to ward off enemy attacks coming from the sea or to attack enemy ships and as a spice storage warehouse owned by the Dutch. Forts Karang Bolong belonging to the type of cultural tourism and attraction of monumental buildings covered most of the big trees.
2. White Sand Beach
Match the name of white sand beaches for white sand so that people call the White Sand Beach. White Sands one of the existing attractions in the southern island of Nusakambangan precisely located on the east Coast Permisan. White Sands is decorated with a variety of rock or island - a small island that stretches to the east is decorated very powerful waves / so fierce clash of black rock hit the water adds to the beauty of the rocks.
To get to White Sands to walk down the path that has been built trap - the trap of paving blocks along 600 m from the beach to the east Permisan up and down to the white sand beach with a distance of 1 km. Cluster of rocks in the White Sand Beach stretching to the distant east blanketed white waves beautiful scenery adds to the white sand beach.
Stone - the stone is in addition to adding beauty as well as shore-breaking waves, white sand to the beach so the waves can dijinakan malignant and relatively harmless.
With white sand beaches and the waves are quite friendly add the tourists feel at ease and happy to linger long - enjoy the beautiful white sand. Advantages of white sand beach is still the presence of trees - trees that grow naturally so adding cool coastal air and not distracted by the hot sun because they can shelter up branches - the branches of trees while enjoying the ocean waves south.
3. Beach scaffolding Babakan
The westernmost tip of the island is located within 35 km Nusakambangan of Sodong dock. To reach this beach through the strait path Nusakambangan - Tillers Segara Village through the Village District Klaces Sea. The whole way through 4 LP that still serves the LP Stone, Iron, Yellow Flower and Permisan Sea and pass through the village district in the mangrove forest Klaces with views on both sides of the river and mountain views and Indralaya strait.
Babakan Ranch beach unspoilt beaches classified as not many tourists who visit this beach, because it is the path leading to the beach have been inadequate. Therefore, the government still needed treatment for open access to this beach so it can be convenient to tourist attractions visited by tourists. So as to provide revenue for the region.
4. Permisan beach
Permisan beach is also home to the south island of Nusakambangan precisely Permisan LP. The beach is still natural not much contaminated by humans. With amazing views of the southern ocean and the waves will bring home to enjoy the panoramic beauty wiasatawan small islands and rocks in front of the beach has its own value compared to other tourist beach in Cilacap.
There in front of the beach rock (Small island) that has special memories for a pejebat the country's first Prime Minister of Indonesia. Before becoming Prime Minister a man named Syahrir Permisan've been to the beach, the beach was Syahrir trying to cross the ocean waves when it was small, he managed to climb into the rock. But at the time would come back to the beach the waves are very large, so Syahrir persist for many hours waiting for low tide upon a rock. The incident was immortalized as the name Syahrir cluster name Permisan the coral on the beach by some people call it the Stone Syahrir.
In addition to the above story, if the low tide, tourists can climb a rock sticking out. They will witness various social symbols as evidence of the legend of King Pakuan Pajajaran that have plagued the beautiful princess who could be cured if the disease is treated with tear horse Pegasus, then the king sent a messenger to get the drug but has always failed in the end the princess's own leave and travel long distances because he was tired rest and bathe in the surf beach Permisan dragged out to sea and caught between a rock and died, and the distance is only visible parts of his body without clothes then there is the rock that resemble female genitalia.
Also called Permisan when there are pirates want to Nusakambangan beach landing that does not appear, but after the permissions on the island of Nusakambangan Baurekso the beach looks so-called Permisan
Permisan coast is also home to formulation of the soldiers to be able to maintain and defend the integrity of the dam and the state of any disturbance both large and small that would interfere with sovereignty. Determination and robustness of the soldier symbolized by one of the attributes (commando knife) is plugged into a rock or ditusukan so from the beach looking knife stuck command dibatu reefs.
To get to the beach Permisan tourists can use either the ship or boat crossing from the Port or Port Wijayakusuma Lomanis to Sodong Nusakambangan followed by private vehicle or charter group headed Permisan. During the trip, travelers can enjoy the scenery on the island of Nusakambangan and can be stopped first at the Queen of Goa tourism can also see the yellow Flower LP, Stone, Iron and LP Permisan.
5. Coral beach Pandan
Coral beach Pandan is a potential tourist attraction on the East Coast Nusakambangan Island. Bandung Coral beach is still natural not so much polluted by human activities with a view of beautiful beachfront two coral islands (Pulau Majethi) are trusted by the community as a place of growth and development Wijayakusuma, adds the beauty of the Coral coast Bandung.
The beach is visited by many people on Thursday, a day ahead of the implementation of Wage or Alms Sea (Larungan offerings) for the pilgrimage, a place of pilgrimage is made on the grounds at the beach there are some places that are considered sacred, so they will visit more blessed, place - a shrine include: time Lanang (take water) located in the eastern part of the coast rose slightly, Stone Table (Stone Hall) is a large lump of rock is used as a place offering ceremony also serves as the performances and the throne.
To get to the beach Coral Pandan should use a 90-minute boat or on foot from Fort Karang Bolong Nusakambangan about 75 minutes. The pilgrims usually bring offerings in the form of Snack Market, Fruit, Flower Telon, chew of betel, Frankincense, Dadapsrep Leaf, Young Coconut and multiple inheritance. All offerings collected on a stone table, after the offering is ready then the elder Fisher led the prayer.
6. Interest legend Wijayakusuma
One legend is well known in Indonesia, especially the island of Nusakambangan is about Flower or Flower Wijayakusuma. The story is about a daughter of the Duke who ruled the Duchy Bandapati Bonokeling, named Raden Ayu Bnadawati. She is very beautiful, elegant, urbane and very gently smooth so many who want to have. To woo the daughter of the contest was held with supernatural powers and hold all the Duke Bnadapati heirloom weapons. Eventually the contest was won by the Prince who is the son of Pucangkembar Kyai Ageng Giri. Then Raden Raden Ayu Bnadawati Pucangkembarpun married. Although already married and has 3 children, Raden Ayu Bnadawati still pursued the Duke-Duke of others to be his wife. Raden Ayu Bnadawatipun eventually manifest as a flower named Flower Wijayakusuma. Flowers are so tenarnya Wijayakusuma legend, so that in 1971 an important figure in this country also do Wijayakusuma picking flowers in a way that is still traditional.
In Nusakambangan, the whole area a nature reserve + 1200.50 Ha is divided into two parts because wilayan activity in the LP. The animals were inhabitants of the Nature Reserve can be classified as Wild Animals, reptiles, and birds are also a variety of plants that grow in groups.
Although many plant and animal life, but there is no distinctive Klalar forest trees in the West and the East Flower Wijayakusuma that makes people did not dare do strange things because of the legend that is in place. But even so, forest looting is still rife.
7. The story of the Kingdom of Nusatembini
History of the Kingdom Nusatembini story takes place in areas around the island of Nusakambangan. Nusatembini described as a kingdom of considerable stealth. This kingdom has a region around the coast to the island of Nusakambangan Cilacap.Keraaan has a natural fortress tanamana up to seven layers of bamboo (pring Baluwarti ori pitung sap). Depiction of natural castle of the seven layers of the bamboo fence that can be interpreted to mean that the creator of the story to say that the kingdom's defense is strong enough Nusatembini stretcher. It also shows that the bamboo plant is a plant that Ori is used as a fence or security for the Cilacap against security threats.
Nusatembini kingdom led by a female ruler (the king's daughter) named Brantarara flawless. The princess's beauty attracted the attention of the rulers of other kingdoms to cooperate until mempersuntingnya as empress. But in order to marry the princess is not easy, because it's so tight guard and defense. Many kings who fail just to be able to enter the royal palace Nusatembini.
The story of the ruler of the Kingdom of the existence of these women can actually be seen as a symbol of the equality of men and women in political rights. Thus the view that considers that in Javanese culture considered women lower than men has not been proven in the mind of the creator of the story of the history of the kingdom Nusatembini.In a culture that values Cilacap there assumes that she also has the power to govern, even in the story beyond the capabilities of men.
The problem is when the real origin story Nusatembini kingdom come. Author of history and the anniversary version Cilacap Cilacap Government said that the Kingdom Nusatembini derived from prehistoric times. That he proved by the relics of two bamboos which are relics of the castle ori Nusatembini kingdom. In 1970 the relics relics believed to originate from the pre-history is still located on the docks of the Port of sand iron complex, but at this sat heritage has been lost.
In our opinion, the story does not pick up kingdom Nusatembini Islamic era, but also not on the pre-history. Historic period is not known concept of the kingdom, only Primus Interpares, and generally the oldest male. The concept of the new kingdom appeared on the entry of Hindu and Buddhist culture in Indonesia. Thus it can be concluded that the historical kingdom is the real Nusatembini Hinduism and Buddhism in the Cilacap.
Commentators that the background story of the Hindu kingdom of Buddha Nusatembini Nusatembini supported by other stories related to the kingdom. Cilacap folklore society tells us that in the west of the kingdom is the kingdom of Galuh Pakuan Nusatembini Pajajaran. In recorded history, this kingdom is one of the most powerful Hindu kingdom in the Sunda tatar. Therefore, the Kingdom of the Kingdom Galuh Nusatembini contemporaries, it is certain that the kingdom Nusatembini tentnag stories dating back to the development of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Galuh kingdom is a kingdom of Pakuan Pajajaran. In contrast to Nusatembini, Pakuan Pajajaran ruler is a brave man. During his reign he was tempted by God with the development of outbreaks of diseases that attack people. However, its people have suffered so many of those who have lost family members due to the severity of disease outbreaks. Pajajaran king is trying to find ways to solve problems that are sweeping the country. All efforts have been made to overcome the plague, but in vain. Feeling sad the king saw the suffering that afflicts people throughout the country, and the sad again when his son and daughter are also developing the disease.
When the king was almost hopeless in dealing with the plague that hit the country, there came a priest (wiku). The pastor expressed purpose of his arrival until there is a dialogue like the following quote:
Pastor: "Gusti Prabu servant lord, forgive me this indelicacy servants will all face without calling Gusti and Gusti with all the King's mercy, we ask for forgiveness for all errors".
King: "I feel very happy to see the arrival wiku now because there's something troubling my mind now as head of government in this Pajajaran Kingdom".
Pastor: "Lord King Gusti servants, servants understand what it was Gusti are facing at this time due to outbreaks of diseases that afflict the Pajajaran subjects. Until my lord also currently plague-stricken daughter's illness ".
King: "It is so wikut, that kerisauanku and my anxiety is still very tense. But if the father would wiku can provide a solution to overcome all of this? "
Pastor: "Lord King Gusti servant, servant arrival is intended to convey the" wisik "or have I received inspiration. That what is happening today in the Kingdom of Pajajaran and diseases suffered by the servants of my lord lord's daughter, can still be cured with medication so-called "Horse Tears Sembrani". The drug can only be cultivated from the eastern part of this Pajajaran Kingdom. In the east where there is a keratorn called Nusatembini and that's where the drug would get the drug. But to reach that area and get it is not easy, because the environment is a very serious Nusatembini Palace. So should Gusti King Lord sent His servant Pajajaran courtiers selected to face the queen's daughter, who led the palace.
Gusti Haturkanlah any intention to invoke the so-called "Horse Tears Sembrani" the pet of the queen. When businesses get tears Horse Sembrani it worked, then it would be a drug and tumbalnya (repellent) Royal Galuh Pajajaran from all danger was coming.
Raja Pajajaran merspon positive suggestions from the wiku it. The king then prepare untu kmenuju Nusatembini. Some people are under the duke who is deemed capable of power Pajajaran assigned to the royal phantom Nusatembini sent to the king. High-ranking envoy falls in Patih Harya Tilandanu Gobog assisted by the Duke and the Duke of Spring. Their choice to deploy troops on the move all obstacles can be overcome.
After preparation to leave for the Kingdom of Nusatembini completed, the group of soldiers from the Pajajaran went to the royal phantom in Cilacap the south coast.Although derived from choice soldiers, journey to Nusatembini was not easy. They must pass through the hostile nature of the woods and swamps that stretched wide. In natural situations such pre soldiers semnagat Pajajaran with a burning toward the kingdom in order to obtain medicine Nusatembini princess' tears horse Pegasus ".
The soldiers are akirnya Pajajran envoy to the region Cilacap. When we reached the area they saw a kekeuatan Nusatembini yan around a powerful kingdom. The soldiers tried to enter the royal palace was in many ways. However, this effort failed due to a bamboo grove fort multiple layers of tightly that mengellingi Nusatembini kingdom is like as a layered fence. Attempt to enter the palace Nusatembini repeatedly tried, and it always fails.
Repeated failure to enter the palace does not make the soldiers Nusatembini Pajajaran despair. In the spirit of defending the King and the country they are always looking for ways to be able to enter the Palace Nusatembini. Gobong Duke, Duke Spring and Patih Harya Tilandanu recourse beyond the war path. They meditated to gain inspiration and an outlet in order to enter the Palace Nusatembini. After a few days they finally bersemedai supernatural guidance. In the instructions it said that the magic that surrounds the bamboo fort will be destroyed USING Nusatembini golden bullet.
After getting inspiration is the messenger of the king's soldiers sunda Pajajaran grammar is changing tactics in entering the Palace Nusatembini. They are made from gold bullet gold coins to destroy the bamboo that surrounds the palace of the king's women.
Making gold bullet Pajajaran conducted by a group of soldiers in a location not far from the Palace Nusatembini. They stopped at an area near the palace for days. In addition to producing gold bullets, they also set the tactics for an attack. In areas where the preparation of this attack is known in folklore as an area Donan Cilacap. One area where the Andon (bersinggah).
After a plan of attack is set in a mature, then on the appointed day a group of soldiers to attack the Palace Pajajaran Nusatembini. Attacks carried out by the warriors using gold bullets that have been prepared in advance. The bullets were fired and fell near or below the bamboo grove that guarded the Palace Nusatembini. The people who saw the golden bullet Nusatembini falling under the bamboo trees trying to take the bullets of high economic value at the time. To be able to take the bullets they had to cut down the bamboo trees are layered.
Pajajaran soldiers were aware of the meaning of golden bullet as a tool to lure people in the royal kingdom of isolation by cutting open the bamboo trees into the royal castle.Little by little the Pajajaran Soldiers can finally move forward after can pass through bamboo groves ori logged by the locals. Pajajaran soldiers finally managed to enter the palace after a successful seven-layer beyond the bamboo fence that had been cut down people who are drawn to the golden bullet that fell under the bamboo tree.
The story of the golden bullet can be interpreted two matters relating to the historical facts behind the story. First, the concept of a firearm in the story suggests that the story's background is in the Kingdom of the development towards the end of Agana Pajajaran Islam in the archipelago, probably the 15th century and to-16. This can be explained because the firearm was introduced by the Portuguese and then Dutch in the early centuries. Second, the weakness of a country will be broken no matter how great the wealth. Gold is a symbol of the wealth of high-value ekoomi Nusatembini has tantalized people so it can easily be infiltrated by foreign forces.
The soldiers eventually entered Pajajaran Nusatembini the Royal Palace. They intend to capture the queen. But they have difficulty, for the queen to provide resistance. Seeing the danger, the King Princess Nusatembini is then up to the sky flying horse Pegasus.